maanantai 17. syyskuuta 2018

What do you think about books and reading, Norah Otondo?

Suomalaisille kirjasto on tuttu, mutta mitä tuumaa kenialainen lukemista opettava ja kirjallisuutta arvostava ja harrastava opettaja? Kysyimme asiaa kahdelta ylemmän asteen opettajalta. Ensimmäisenä päästämme vuoroon Norah Otondon.

Is it easy to get access to books? 

Generally speaking in the Kenyan setting especially in the rural getting access to books is an uphill task because;
1.There are no libraries and worse still even in schools.
2.Parents and or guardians cannot afford to buy books for their children- they are expensive
3.The few schools that have libraries they are not well equipped as in the books are few, and nothing else.

In the urban areas library can be found but may be one in a town which cannot serve the people around adequately.

What are the benefits of reading? 

Reading is very beneficial to a person in the following ways;

1.Building knowledge
- the more one reads we become more knowledgeable on a variety of topics. This also helps to fill our heads with new bits of information which can help us to handle life situations and challenges. This enables one to have confidence and built self-esteem in themselves. The best part of acquiring knowledge is that it is permanent so worth in our lives. Once an individual has knowledge he/she is forever empowered.

2.Improves writing skills

- when a person reads widely their writing skills improves in such a way that they learn from how others have written so they can also write even better. Once writing skills are good then an individual can become a scholar who in turn can help improve the lives of people around them.

3.Stress reduction
- reading helps to reduce stress by enabling an individual to drift away from the worries and anxieties of life. When a person reads a good story which engulfs him or her, then he/she is taken to other realms which ensure that their tension is fade off and relaxation grips in thus reducing the worries in an individual. Reading also reduces stress by helping an individual to be focused on the present situation in the reader by distracting one from stress causing phenomenon.

4.Widens vocabulary
- extensive reading helps an individual to expand their vocabulary by learning and gaining more words and their meaning as they read and look up for meaning. Once a person has more words they also become well-spoken and articulated.

- reading is also a form of passive entertainment. As a person reads more books and or literature with different issues, they are in a way entertained. Reading therefore would help especially children and youths to avoid indulging in vices that would otherwise destroy their lives. For instance if a person is reading a story book that caught their eye, it will keep them to avoid going out with peers who may introduce him/her to drinking or sexual immorality.

Do you yourself love reading?

To be very honest I really love reading but I rarely read due to;
Daily commitments
Lack of books
Books are too expensive
Poor culture of no reading built during my childhood
Lack of role models in the reading culture
Lack of motivation due to lack of books

How do you find the idea of having a library?

1.  I would say thumbs up for the idea: its brilliant
2.  In total agreement since it’s tantamount to enabling one to fish rather than fishing for them.
3.  It’s the best gift to offer.
4.  I support it with all my heart and I would fight for it to the last drop of my blood.
5.  Good especially for the children and youths since it will cultivate the culture of reading which once its build in itself it’s a motivation in future to keep reading.
6.  It is a noble idea.

What kind of a library? 

1.  An all-inclusive library of books and games
2.  Books of different kinds with different topics and issues for instance life skills, health, spiritual, love, relationships among others
3.  Books should include children and adults books
4.  Games such as chess, dats, trivia, fun brain, cool videos, creative games etc.
5.  Bibles and bible commentaries
6.  In the Kenyan context – books covering the Kenyan education syllabus for the students in various grades.

Norah Otondo